Baker McKenzie’s Asia Pacific International Commerce and Trade Client Conference will be held in Tokyo on 14 September 2017. The conference will bring together practitioners from various Baker McKenzie offices around the region and the globe to speak on specific topics of interest and share their views on major trends and issues.

This complimentary conference will update participants on legal developments related to international trade and commerce in Asia Pacific and elsewhere that affect clients and institutions based in the region.

The topics of discussion will include the following, among others.

  • Country risks in various jurisdictions: political uncertainty associated with the Trump administration (including possible aluminum and steel trade measures), possible Brexit scenarios and recent risk in China
  • Updates on FTAs (including the Japan-EU EPA, TPP 11 and RCEP), non-tariff barriers and country of origin issues
  • Compliance measures for supply chains: third party due diligence in relation to the FCPA, labor and trafficking, data privacy and tax
  • Customs/VAT controversies
  • Current developments in sanctions and export controls

Please click here* for the details.
*Topics and speakers are subject to change.

In addition to the seminar, we will offer the opportunity for one-on-one meetings with our experts from around the world on Wednesday, 13 September. This opportunity is also complimentary. If you have any particular topics of interest in the areas of trade, commerce and international tax that you would like to discuss with our experts, please also register for a one-on-one meeting. The meetings are currently anticipated to take approximately one hour. However, we are flexible with regard to the timing of the meetings.

To register for a one-on-one meeting, please click on the Register Now button below and enter your desired time and areas of interest in the online registration form used to register for the conference. Registration will remain open until close of business on Thursday, 7 September 2017. The number of participants the venue can accommodate is limited, so we recommend registering at your earliest convenience.

Register Now

We will accept registration until close of business on Thursday, September 7, 2017. However, space is limited, so please kindly RSVP at your earliest convenience to make sure you reserve your seat. If capacity is reached, attendance will be decided by lot.

If you experience any problems with the online registration system, please send your contact information, including your name, company name, title, address, telephone and fax numbers by e-mail.

Please also e-mail us with any further questions you may have about the conference.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Event Details

Date Thursday 14 September 2017
Time 8:45 am to 5:30 pm (registration opens at 8:15 am)
Venue Baker & Mckenzie (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise)
Arkhills Sengokuyama Mori Tower, 28th Floor,
1-9-10 Ropponngi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032、Japan
Fee Complimentary
Language English and Japanese
Contact Tel: 03 6271 9900 (Contacts: Akiko Yamashita and Aya Wakami)






Baker & Mckenzie (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise)


Kana Itabashi,Junko Suetomi,Daisuke Tatsuno

Practice Focus