
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities offer exciting business opportunities across all sectors as companies utilise data across operations to develop new services, automate processes and inform decision making. It also introduces some of the greatest risks. To embrace the first while avoiding the second, organizations need legal advisors who can help manage risk and drive innovation.

Questions arise around every aspect of the application of AI and machine learning. Successful adoption requires careful consideration of organisational, technical, ethical and regulatory issues. Emerging legal issues include regulation and liability issues associated with it, such as reliability and quality control of AI outputs, employment, IP, data, privacy and cybersecurity issues and bias within algorithms, leading some businesses to consider whether they should restrict internal use of the new tools. There are questions of how to balance the possibilities of AI versus cyber security and copyright, empowering people rather than replacing and navigating opportunity with varied global regulation.

We have a long history of advising pioneering companies on developing, creating and deploying technology to unlock unprecedented value for their clients, shareholders and employees. Driven by an innovative mindset and experience of working with large language models since well before the launch of Chat GPT, we are improving the efficiency of our legal service delivery, developing new services and finding new and more efficient ways of working day-to-day. With our Baker Machine Learning practice, we are piloting bespoke models and custom AI powered workflows with our clients.

Our global presence means our clients stay on top of shifting regulation, allowing them to foster new opportunities rather than fight to adapt.

Establishing and governing your AI framework

We can help with drafting and implementing responsible AI policies and procedures tailored to your company's risk tolerance, working with cross-functional teams including legal, compliance, management, engineering and HR to establish clear guidelines and their associated governance.

Design and build

Advising on data input and integrity, we counsel on IP implications of data output and navigating regulatory risks surrounding proposed AI use cases. From confidentiality and data privacy concerns, to supporting the ethical use of AI addressing social impact.

Protection from AI disputes

Companies are likely to face disputes, regulatory investigation and even consumer disputes relating to their AI services, with IP, privacy and discrimination related disputes already in the news. With the undoubted synergies of AI tools come liabilities along the entire supply chain as those products are created. Our integrated approach, deep technical expertise and business focus inform successful litigation strategies.

Developing an AI enabled workforce

We are advising our clients on what using AI means for their workforces; hiring, managing people and increasing efficiency and conducting sentiment analysis.

AI procurement and contracting

We can assist on advising on contracts with AI solution vendors and developers and embedding good practice around responsible AI throughout the supply chain.