
Design registration is an effective means of protecting unique product designs. We have assisted a wide array of clients with the design registration process. We also help clients protect their rights by providing countervailing facts against the design applications/registrations of other companies and by filing requests for invalidation trials. We also act for clients in design infringement actions and are very experienced in responding to infringement claims brought by other companies.

Representative Experience

  • Assisted various companies, including an electronics manufacturer, a luxury brand company and a stationery manufacturer with design registration applications by preparing figures, negotiating with the patent office, completing the registration process and paying the annual registration fees.
  • Acted on behalf of an athletic footwear manufacturer in filing a request for an invalidation trial against another company’s design registration and in a successful appeal of the trial court’s decision.
  • Advised a client who had received a design infringement warning from another company in achieving resolution of the dispute through negotiation between the parties.