Baker & McKenzie (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise) advised DENKOSHA Corporation (“Denkosha”) on its participation in a cooperative power generation project involving the installation of an additional wind power generation facility at its existing solar power plant in Aomori prefecture, Ene One Solar Park Rokkashomura (“Ene One”; solar panel output: 2,293 kW, grid output: 1,920 kW), which has been in operation since 2013. The Rokkashomura Wind-Solar Co-Generation Power Plant (the “Project”) has been in operation since March of this year, and is a joint venture by Denkosha, SAISAN Corporation and Shinwa Energy Inc.

The Project makes effective use of a previously unused portion of the power grid at Ene One by installing a German ENERCON wind turbine (rated output of 1,920kW). The additional wind power plant transmits wind-generated power to grid-connected slots underutilized by solar power generation during cloudy weather and at night. This hybrid system developed by Hitachi Power Solutions Co., Ltd. enables the expansion of renewable energy generation capacity without costly and time-consuming power grid expansion and has increased the utilization rate of the grid system from 14% to 43%. With limited land available for solar and wind power generation, the Project is expected to serve as a model for maximizing the use of interconnection slots in the future.

The existing solar and new wind power facility generate sufficient power for approximately 2,000 average households and are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 3,500 tons. The electricity generated will be sold to Tohoku Electric Power Network Co.

The Firm’s team was led by partner Naoaki “Nick” Eguchi of the Tokyo office, supported by Takehito Sekiguchi, Tomohiro Horiguchi and Yuki Sumiyoshi.